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Songtexte und lyrische Themen

Selfless Devotion (EP)

Ruin by Seduction


I feel like l've been living in a nightmare for all my life.

My mind is poisoned, can't get any clear air, immune to any cure.

l'm forgetting who's family and who's an enemy.

All l'm asking myself is who am I?


But will I fight for redemption?

Don't try it!

But will they forgive me one more time?


Ruined is my future.

My fate has been sealed.

I don't know if I may rise again,

but I know it has begun.


I need you to lift me up from this hell l've made myself.

I want to live. I wan't to die. lt doesn't matter to me.

lt's a sneaking power, a seducing drag. There are dark times ahead. lt's too late to turn back. l've failed once again.


But will I fight for redemption?

Don't try it!

But will they forgive me one more time?


Ruined is my future.

My fate has been sealed.

I don't know if I may rise again,

but I know it has begun.

Lyrische Themen

Drogenkonsum, Drogenabhängigkeit, Selbstmord, Depression


Kommentar der Band:

Ruin by Seduction beschreibt wie Drogenkonsum und Depressionen langsam zu einer Identitätskrise führen können. Sobald man "etwas schlechtes" zu einem Teil von sich selbst macht, wird es schwierig davon wieder loszukommen. Gerade auch wenn einem nahestehende Personen helfen wollen davon wegzukommen, kann das sogar zu einer Beleidigung gegen die eigene Person entwickeln. ("l'm forgetting who's family and who's an enemy.")

Satan comes for Dinner


Something's pulling me under.

A demon, l've got to know years ago.

This f*cking insecurity is preaching me things I don't want to hear.


When did we lose this rare thing called sanity.

Holding on to something slightly real.

In this prison of repression.


Feeling the rage inside my heart.

God told me to leave you scarred.

l'm just protecting my own needs.

Your death, his demand, my release.


Finally I find out who I am. But I can tell you, I don't like it.

Give up. Selfrighteous-self takes over your fate.

These demonic sounds seduce me to commit homicide, suicide.


l'm so f*cking dead inside.

There is no guilt in me.

l'm simply empty.


Scarier than every monster.

From power to insanity.

Didn't give the order so we're off charge.

"Surely they would have done the same".

Scarier than every monster.

From power to insanity.

Lyrische Themen

Depression, Schizophrenie, (Selbst-)Mord


Kommentar der Band:

Ursprünglich handelte der Text über die Völkermorde in Ruanda. Mittlerweile kann man den Text aber auch so interpretieren, dass ein Mensch mit psychischer Erkrankung von inneren Stimmen zu schlimmen Taten gedrängt wird. Die zweite Strophe beschreibt ausserdem die Erkenntnis, eine psychische Krankheit zu haben. ("Finally I find out who I am. But I can tell you, I don't like it.") Dieser Einblick lässt eine Selbstreflexion zu, bei der man herausfindet wie man mit sich selber und/oder zu anderen Personen umgeht.


Selfless Devotion


Everything is possible if you follow my rules.

Everything is legal as long as you believe in me.

Forget your ideas. Forget your ideals.

There's only god, nothing else is real.


They can't hear you scream trapped in their innocent dreams.

No one can relate to the ache. Their spirit is what they take.


Nothing is wrong in this blessed house.

You can't blame me. l'm a holy man.

Screaming for help at the surface.


They can't hear you scream trapped in their innocent dreams.

No one can relate to the ache. Their spirit is what they take.

They won't do a thing. Carefully watching the angel sink.

Until they're getting accused for every godless abuse.


They can't hear you scream trapped in their innocent dreams.

No one can relate to the ache. Their spirit is what they take.

They won't do a thing. Carefully watching the angel sink.

Until they're getting accused for every godless abuse.

Lyrische Themen

Vergewaltigung, Missbrauch, sexuelle Übergriffe in religiösen Stätten


Kommentar der Band:

Selfless Devotion handelt von den Missbrauchsfällen und sexuellen Übergriffen von Minderjährigen in religiösen Stätten. Gerade in einer Umgebung, in der man sich eigentlich am sichersten fühlen können sollte, wenn man Anhänger einer Glaubensgemeinschaft ist, werden Kinder von Priestern und höheren Personen in der Kirche zu Sklaven, im Namen Gottes, für deren Sünden. Nach wie vor wird aber nichts dagegen unternommen, geschweige denn eine gerechte Strafe für die Sündiger eingefordert. ("You can't blame me. l'm a holy man.")



The Parasites Gift


This girl is wondering how to deal with life.

Walking down the same streets again, running out of time.

People tell her she doesn't belong, she's a different kind.

She's the only one who knows, about her poisened mind.


This f*cking parasite leads the blind.

lt might be her only ally.

The pain she's drowning in, destroys her mind.

Please set her free.


My lovely girl, please do not cry.

Dad's taking care of you, all the time.

They don't realise, she needs to be alone.

To break through this, to reclaim the throne.


This f*cking parasite leads the blind.

lt might be her only ally.

The pain she's drowning in, destroys her mind.

Please set her free.

Lyrische Themen

sozialer Druck, Stress, Depression, Mobbing, Borderline


Kommentar der Band:

Der Parasit beschreibt in diesem Fall die Borderline Erkrankung. Das Gefühl alleine sein und nicht verstanden zu werden, wird im Songtext widergespiegelt. ("People tell her she doesn't belong, she's a different kind.") Nahestehende Personen werden, aus Angst eine Last zu sein, weggestossen. Obwohl Freunde und Familie gerade in so einer Situation eine grosse Hilfe sein könnte.




Waking up in captivity. Nobody takes you seriously.

Looking through the window, no, it's not bad dreams.

Rotting in here until you die for nothing more than being different. You ask yourself where you belong, waiting for it all to end.


There's no point in explaining yourself if your audience is deaf.

A rain of shame, a fire of hate merge into chaos.


The world is dying.

Yes we are the biggest threat.

Yes it's not worth trying.

Now it's time for a reset.


You try to sleep but the thoughts keep roaming through your head. Am I not good enough? Fitting in, so difficult.

Yeah you've done no wrong. Your biggest mistake was being born. Support seems like a greedy snake who wants to enslave you.


Fight, fight, fight, stand up for yourself. As if it were so easy.

lt's a fucked up place. Why do we live here? Let's press reset.


The world is dying.

Yes we are the biggest threat.

Yes it's not worth trying.

Now it's time for a reset.

Lyrische Themen

Vernachlässigung unserer Umwelt, menschlicher Egoismus, Krieg, Sexismus, Homophobie, das Ende der Welt


Kommentar der Band:

Ursprünglich beschrieb der Text ausschliesslich Homophobie und dessen Auswirkungen auf den Menschen, das Gefühl, dass Andere nicht einverstanden sind mit dem was man ist, das man nicht dazugehört. Obwohl man nichts dafür kann, bzw. "anders" zu sein eigentlich nichts schlechtes ist. ("Yeah you've done no wrong. Your biggest mistake was being born.") 

Irgendwann wurde uns aber bewusst, dass die Menschheit so ignorant und hassumfüllt ist, dass es zu viele Themen für einen Song gegeben hätte. (Krieg, Klimaerwärmung, Rassismus, etc.) Es überkam einem das Gefühl ein Neustart für die Welt bzw. die Menschheit, wäre der einzige Ausweg aus dem, was wir Gesellschaft nennen. ("Yes it's not worth trying. Now it's time for a reset.")


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